Common symptoms of visual struggles

When reading do you...
See the words double,
See the words blur,
Experience eye strain, pain, soreness or fatigue,
Feel a pulling sensation from around your eyes,
Get a headache,
See the words appear to move on the page,
Lose your place,
Lose your concentration,
Reread the same line of words,
Have trouble remembering what you have read?
In other visual environments do you...
Have learning difficulties,
Struggle with letter reversals,
Trip, fall, or bump into things,
Get car sick,
Have poor alignment of your eyes?
If these symptoms sound familiar, there may be a visual struggle present.
Hey Parents!
Think about it this way...
How would you know if your child has a visual dysfunction? Other than the more obvious signs (like an eye turn), how do you uncover visual dysfunctions that are not obvious?

Learn the symptoms
Time after time, we see that when parents are educated on which symptoms to look for, they come to understand that there may be an underlying and treatable visual dysfunction limiting their child. If you suspect a visual dysfunction in your child, contact us to schedule a Comprehensive Evaluation with Dr. Zollinger, or take the Symptom Survey with your child to gather more information.
Fill out the Convergence Insufficiency Symptom Survey
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